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The Black Sorrows are performing in Geelong this weekend

The Black Sorrows are heading to the Wool Exchange this Saturday, and it's sure to be a big one.

With frontman Joe Camilleri - a blues legend in his own right, who recently celebrated 50 years in the industry - gauranteeing an original show, he works by the mantra of “we come to play and leave the audience feeling exhilarated”.

Camilleri has been the writer behind hit singles So Young, Hit And Run, Shape I’m In, Hold On To Me, Harley and Rose, Chained To The Wheel, Never Let Me Go and the Chosen Ones.

There will be a support on the night, round out what's sure to be a great night!

It all goes down this Saturday, September 16 from 8pm. To purchase tickets visit the website.

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