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We spoke with interior stylist Shonel Bryant from Nomad Styling

Whether realising it or not, some of Geelong's most stylish venues are thanks to Shonel Bryant of Nomad Styling. The stylist behind ALMA restaurant, her ideas are always cutting edge, sophisticated and creating a unique and highly photogenic identity for businesses.

We had a chat to the creative and business powerhouse about her styling journey and spots she loves in Geelong.

You left a less creative job to create Nomad Styling, how were you feeling in those initial few weeks and months of making the change?

So good. The timing worked out really well. I was due with my first child around the time of leaving my previous role, I took a bit of time and then started Nomad when I was ready. It was such a beautiful transition.

Do you remember your first hired styling job?

Yes and I remember feeling so nervous and wondered why they wanted to hire me! It's funny looking back, but that's what I love about having your own business. The journey you go on and the evolution of yourself and your brand over time is such a fun ride. I love seeing the direction change and it's really what keeps me going.

When did you first become interested in styling and interior style?

I think my love of interiors has certainly grown over time and the more my love for it grew the more aware of everything in the industry I became. I think the older you get the stronger your sense of style is and the more resolved it gets. I think that it's such a positive thing to have more life experience in this field which is such a plus!

If you had to define Geelong's style, how would you explain it?

I would say progressive. Geelong is evolving very rapidly, and rightly so. It seems to be taking cues from Melbourne. It's such an incredible thing to have more and more amazing places open their doors - not just with amazing fit outs, but an amazing seamless experience from start to finish. I can't wait to see what comes in the future years for geelong.

And how would you define your own?

I really struggle with this. I don't feel I have a 'style' as such. I would say that my preferred way to style is very organic and with flow. I'm drawn to texture and things that have their own personality. However I think my aesthetic and the consistency in my work, despite the broad variety of clients, is detail. I'm a sucker for detail in every form and I'm learning that it shows in my work. I truly adore getting such diversity in my client's needs. I don't think I would last doing the same kind of look over and over again. I need to push myself constantly for both personal and business growth.

Who (or perhaps what) has helped shape your style?

I think just my own personal journey through life to be honest. I truly wouldn't say it was a person or a moment in time. Just growing into a woman and getting a stronger sense of self has taught me a lot. I feel that confidence often translates into my work and makes it stronger and stronger as time goes by.

What's been the biggest thing you've learnt about yourself from owning a small business?

Oh where do I start. I think my biggest thing of being a small business owner and a mother is that you're trying to take on two full time jobs. You're not going to be able to do it all perfectly so try to let it go a little. Finding balance is forever a challenge and I'm the first to say I still don't have it and I still look to others for guidance. But as with anything in life, I'm very fast to learn from my mistakes and adapt myself and my work accordingly. I am such a hard worker and will not stop until something is perfect. I love having learnt the extent of that about myself through this process.

When approaching a new client/job, what's the first thing you do?

I have a consultation with them to establish their needs, then I literally go home and jump onto Pinterest while ideas are fresh and flowing in my mind. I'm a very emotional based person and all of my designs are based off how they feel to me. My Pinterest boards are a rollercoaster of different looks. But once I zone in on a particular feel (generally it's one image that sparks it), I'm off and then I just delve deeper and deeper until it all 'feels' right in my heart.

What are three props you can't live without?

My fav things to style are; fabric, candles and cushions.

And three tools; my keyring tape measure, my laptop and my pocketknife.

Where are your favourite places in Geelong to eat and drink?

Would I be bias if I said restaurant Alma? haha I follow a plant based lifestyle so I prefer to go to places who cater well for that. King of the Castle and Donco have some great tasty options. Cellar door and the 18th Amendment Bar are some current faves for drinks. As much as I love going to places with great fit outs, good service is equally as important to me.

Follow more of Nomad Styling's work on Instagram. Image supplied by Shonel Bryant.

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