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A bogan bingo and trivia fundraiser is heading to Workers

There's something about the sight of a red flanno and ugg boots that sets Australians' hearts alight - even if you deny it to be true.

Keeping this in mind, the Tortoise & Hair Co. team is throwing a fundraiser trivia and bingo night with 'bogan' as the theme.

The fundraising efforts are for the team's trip to the Philippines with Hair Aid next year which will see them work on a project teaching the underprivileged to cut hair and support themselves and their families.

Tickets are $50 each and include a meal of smoked meats, a drink on entry, bingo, trivia, raffles, auctions and shenanigans.

It all goes down on Saturday, January 20 from 6pm.

Find out more info here and book here.

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