Uncle Donut has created two delicious, and very 'Strayan, donuts this week

While this particular Australian holiday gets very polarised views, a donut only gets one reaction: joy soon followed by intense saliva production.
Due to the three-day weekend, Uncle Donut has created two very Australian donuts based on two very nostalgic treats.
The two flavours are below:
1. Milo creme Pat, milk opera glaze, sprinkled with crushed Milo cereal and Milo.
2. Tim Tam Cheesecake, dark opera glaze spinkled with crushed Tim Tams.
They are available all week (Uncle Donut will however be closed on Friday) or until sold out. When do we get a national donut holiday?
You can find them at 100 Little Malop Street, Geelong or over on Facebook.