Geelong fashion Instagrammers you need to follow
While some may disagree, Geelong is one hell of a fashionable place. And with fashion festival season in full swing we thought we'd showcase just how stylish our town is with a few of the best Instagram accounts. We're sure there'll be some you're already following, and hopefully a few you're not!

Who: Kirsty, Geelong Fashionista
What: Lifestyle and fashion blogger, mum
Handle: @gfashionista
Followers: 2.8k

Who: Renée Enright
What: Fashion stylist, radio co-host, mum
Handle: @reneeenright
Followers: 40.8k

Who: Sarah Czarnuch
What: Model
Handle: @sarah_czarnuch
Followers: 86.7k

Who: Holly Titheridge
What: Content creator
Handle: @_hollyt
Followers: 171k

Who: Nicole Mitrov
What: Model
Handle: @nicolemitrov
Followers: 10.1k

Who: Alysse Cruz
What: Fashion enthusiast
Handle: @alyssecruz
Followers: 1k

Who: Ruby Brownless
What: Model
Handle: @rubybrownless
Followers: 33k

Who: Janeva
What: Musician
Handle: @janevamusic
Followers: 9.3k

Who: Montanna Luke
What: Model
Handle: @montannaluke
Followers: 2k

Who: Courtney Moore
What: Fashion enthusiast, model
Handle: @courtneymoore
Followers: 1.6k