The Inn is hosting two massive carpark parties for the long weekend next month

We are very okay with The Inn throwing a carpark party, and we are more than okay with there being two of them.
So if you're ready to party this Queen's Birthday long weekend in June, The Inn is sure as hell a great place to start. Kicking the long weekend celebrations off on Friday, June 8, Roland Tings will perform a live set in the venue's carpark. Supporting Roland Tings will be I Know The Chief, Abe Anderson, Luke Biscan, Jake Hunniford and more.
As for Sunday (good thing you've got Saturday to recover) you can catch none other than triple j's Nina Las Vegas. Nina is supported by a slew of local acts, with BALTA, Ben Chook, Chook & Moluck, Dawson, Dean Turnley, Dirge, Max McKay, Merv Clarke, Mitch J. Loughnan and SLAX joining her on the line up.
Thanks for giving us the reason to celebrate ol' Lizzie! Bottoms up! Tickets are $20 on the door for each night.
Find out more info for Friday here and Sunday here.
Image via Nina Las Vegas.