A comedy night all about real dating mishaps is heading to Geelong

Touring all around the world, Story + Party is the hilarious event that asks you to put away your phone and enjoy a night of laughing at others' dating misfortunes - because we've all been there.
The show features professional storytellers who will retell people's stories of when they've been played, made or just tangled up in love. You'll hear the good, the bad and the ugly, and there's even a chance to share your own story.
When you enter, there'll be a slip where you can write down your worst experience in the dating world for it to get told anonymously on stage.
Want a taster? Here's a previous attendees story:
"After the first date and a couple of drinks, I go home with the guy. The next morning we are in the middle of foreplay when his dad walks in. He asks “What do you want for breakfast, son?” Then he says “Oh, I see you’ll already having some.” It was the first time I saw my father-in-law.” - Anna from Prague
It all goes down at Beav's Bar on Sunday, July 22 from 7pm. This is a ticketed event and you can get yours here. Or find out more info via the Facebook event page.
Image via Story + Party.