Armageddon Cake's fully loaded high tea is back

Remember the days of delicious, indulgent high teas at Armageddon Cake where you could barely stand up from your chair at the end? Well, they're back!
The fully loaded high tea returns on Sunday, March 17 with two sessions - one at 10.30am and the second at 3.00pm.
Tickets cost $45 and get you a smorgasboard of treats, listed below:
-Chicken, leek and mushroom pastries -Rare steak sandwiches with smoked cheddar -Moroccan cauliflower fritters -Thai chicken and prawn meatballs
Sweet: -Espresso Martini layer cake -Mini chocolate eclairs -Berry creme tarts -Citrus and coconut syrup cakes -Chocolate and raspberry mousse -Blueberry cheesecake cups
Bookings are a must, lock in your spot by calling 0404400701.
Find more info via the Facebook event page.
Image via Armageddon Cake.